December 29, 2011

about new bosses, part 1

Miscellaneous bosses screens.

about new dungeons. part 2: Crich Cadaver Den

It's a working title for 75 lvl dungeon, with 3 complexity modes.

about new dungeons. part 1: Aeternal Circle

Here is a few screens from new dungeon, 72 lvl. Screens under cut.

December 27, 2011

about 70 craft

Here people crying about too rare materials for 70 lvl craft:
- Mysterious bags spawn rate is to low. Needs to be increased.
- Mysterious bags loot table to large[making the chance to drop lvl 70 craftable stones negligible. Remove stupid stuff like link runes, other lesser crafting stones.
- Tomb of the Seven Heroes to difficult to complete and farm for stones.

Mysterious Bags

People noticed, that at new zone (Tergothen Bay) we can found randomly spawned Mysterious Bags.

What is that? There is some information about it: Rare Crafting stones (US forum). But what about drop?

December 11, 2011

rom server emulator: lets play begin

Started development of it. Just for fun and better understanding of the RoM network protocol.

December 06, 2011

about mail

Mail.. Mail have few interesting features and now I'll describe one on them. It allows you to attach a 10 items per one mail.