January 27, 2013

upcoming Merdin Tundra screens

Following screens taken from russian forum. Guy, who made it, told that he accessed dungeon too, but without any proof. Also he did not told, whether npc or player says on last screen.
Anyway, you can preview a next location.

January 26, 2013

about new dungeons: Boutman Haunt

Dungeon for 80 lvl (Chapter VI, 6.0.0), with hard (for raid of 12 players). Large and nice (I think, most of ppl bored of undeground dungeons and prefer a open-space like Origin or RT).

January 21, 2013

total bonus values from cards

There are (in 5.0.6) 1280 cards with bonus, 1329 total.

Bonus summary:
totalstat name
491Physical Attack
504Magical Defense
416Magical Attack

January 14, 2013

rom server emulator v 0.3

Not release, just status update:

about new dungeons: Bedim castle

It is a dungeon for 77 lvl, looks like Aeternal Circle, here is bosses screens (order and stats can be wrong):

January 06, 2013

Chance to spawn boss when ordinary mobs were killed

January 03, 2013

about "Report spam" function

REPORT_SPAM_CONFIRMATION = "Do you want to report %s as spammer?"

Is it works? Short answer: no, but long answer is yes.

moving RoM models to CryEngine

just for fun: