January 22, 2012

about new dungeons. part 1.1: Aeternal Circle

Patches 4.0.6 and 4.0.7 brings the Aeternal Cirle updates, such as boss and drop information.

Krolin (103585), level 72
drop group #1 200% chance:
drop group #2 200% chance:
drop group #3 200% chance:
drop group #4 0.1% chance:
drop group #5 0.1% chance:

Force Golem Sentry (105931), level 75  (18 x )
drop group #1 200% chance:

Tormentor Golem Sentry (105935), level 75  (28 x )
drop group #1 200% chance:

Rune Golem Sentry (105964), level 75  (37 x )
drop group #1 200% chance:

Sys105976_name (105976), level 75  (45 x )
drop group #1 200% chance:

Ice Fire Crystal (106100), level 65  (22 x )
drop group #1 200% chance:

Also, there is an interesting boss, ID 106550, level 73. It interesting by 70 lvl drop item sets, which consists of 10 items!

drop group #1, 200% chance:
drop group #2, 200% chance:
As you can see, this items is unnamed, such as GM items (227180 for example), but i don't think, that this is a GM set. Here is more information about such drop.


  1. Anonymous13/3/12 15:52

    any idea on the missing boss of the instance?

    thats the loot item, a chest called Ice Fire Crystal. But whats the boss thats assigned to the chest?

    http://www.runesdatabase.com/npc/106100/ice-fire-crystal <- this thing has the missing items for the sets, but its just a chest. wheres the boss?

    btw: www. is mandatory for runesdb links, otherwise they wont work.

    --- and your last boss from this list here seems to be connected to Chaos Vortex instance, because those lvl70 orange weapons are part of the set and those have "Chaos Vortex" stats on them with 136 value.

    is the last screenshot supposed to be the lvl70 boss? because according to runesdatabase it looks like this: http://www.runesdatabase.com/romviewer.php?loadType=1&referenceId=106550&locale=en_US

    1. btw: www. is mandatory for runesdb links, otherwise they wont work.
      Ye, I know, it was broken since last DB update.

      As for bosses, I'll update post a bit later.

  2. Anonymous17/3/12 22:01

    any update? :)

    1. No updates for dungeon itself, only some additional loot & boss info.

  3. Anonymous20/3/12 14:27

    yeah, so what *IS* the actual missing boss? Ice Fire Crystal is only his loot-chest :)
